luni, 15 iunie 2020

Interes in catarare exista - Climbing interest exists

(English version bellow) Author: Radu Burtescu

Momentan sunt prins din cauza pandemiei in Helsinki iar in Romania nu cred ca mai ajung nici in vizita anul asta. Dragos Toma ajungea mai des ca mine in tara si astfel a preluat din sarcina de a scrie din cand in cand. Insa cum si el e mai mult plecat, noi autori care sunt activi in special in Constanta si in imprejurimi ar fi bine veniti pentru blog. Interes pentru escalada in Constanta pare sa existe cu aproximativ 1000 de vizualizari pentru fiecare articol scris. Chiar si daca numai 5% din cei care privesc articolele sunt interesati de escalada s-ar crea o comunitate frumusica. Asa ca indiferent de nivelul de catarare scrie un mesaj daca esti interesat fie sa impartasesti din experienta ta sau sa scrii despre evolutia ta sau a celor cunoscuti in escalada, bouldering sau psicobloc.


At the moment I'm caught due to the pandemic in Helsinki and in Romania I don't think I will even visit this year. Dragos Toma went back in the country more often than I did and so he took over the task of writing from time to time. But as he is more often gone, new authors who are active especially in Constanta and its surroundings would be welcome to write for the blog. Interest in climbing in Constanta seems to exist with about 1000 views for each article written. Even if only 5% of those who look at the articles are interested in climbing, a beautiful community would be created. So regardless of the level of climbing, write a message if you are interested in either sharing your experience or writing about your evolution or of those you know in climbing, bouldering or psicobloc.